Sunday, July 14, 2013


is what the soil does to the seed
is what the rain does to the trees
is what the sun does to us mortals
to awaken that which is immortal

It is the breath of life
as you step out of strife
its the song of the bird
the prayer of the frog
-kiran (a friend)

Nourishment is a HOLISTIC POTION FOR GROWTH AND EXPRESSION. Something that enriches and makes life worth living…a feeling that sustains the mind body and the spirit in One wholesome abundance. …it is mindful dining, what the soul desires.

Yes, we feel we-are-what-we -feed-our self…but this is not only the food diet – equally important is the dining atmosphere, that invisible feeling of when you are surrounded with TLC, warmth, nurturing life, positive energy, companionship of people, nature and the abundance and joy of the entire Universe… something that is nourishing all 5 senses…leading to the 6th sense, the wholesome, loving, joyous, abundant SELF…that is YOU.

Here’s a story of our family through what has nourished us …love and acceptance of each one…but both of these are invisible…the most visible factor has been our mindful dining. Hence, this offering.

Come join us by helping yourself to the family recipes that have nourished us over last five generations.

Please feel free to contribute family recipes that have brought joyful moments in your life…and not just the recipes, the stories, anecdotes that brought the magic alive…the true recipe.

With love and gratitude from all of us.

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